Multitasking millennial binge-watchers lead digital media revolution

New research suggests nearly a third of all U.S. consumers ‘binge-watch’ streaming video at least once a week, and millennials not only stream more video than any other demographic, they also do as many four other things at the same time.

person watching tv

More people “binge-watch” online video, stream digital music and “cut the cord” today than ever before, as technology continues to reshape the consumption of digital media. Perhaps unsurprisingly, millennials, or adults born between 1981 and 1996, are driving this shift. Recent research from Deloitte indicates that nearly half of the U.S. population subscribes to at least one streaming service, and both teenagers and the youngest millennials now spend more time watching streaming video online than live TV.

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Americans also watch streaming video in really big chunks; nearly a third of the consumers surveyed said they binge watch, or view three or more episodes in one sitting, at least once a week. And when consumers binge, they frequently watch as many as five episodes at a time. This number applies to most age groups, with the exception of people over 69, who Deloitte tactfully labeled “matures” and who binge watch much less frequently.

Multitasking while binge-watching

While Americans binge, they do much more than simply enjoy the programs in front of them; they multitask like crazy. According to Deloitte’s research, 92 percent of consumers multitask while watching TV, and millennials often do four additional activities as they stream.

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